Welcome to the Flutter community

Below you'll find ways to get involved in the Flutter developer community as well as links to resources that can help answer your questions. We expect all community spaces to be welcoming and respectful, as described in the Flutter code of conduct.

If you're in China, read Using Flutter in China.

Tell us what you want to see

An easy way to send feedback is to “thumbs up” issues important to you on GitHub

See the issue tracker

Google Groups

Google Groups is a great way to stay up to date with Flutter.

Join the conversation

Get answers to your questions and stay up to date with everything new and exciting happening in the Flutter community by checking out the links below.

Stack Overflow

Ask questions about specific Flutter coding problems, or find answers to questions that have already been asked.


Join the conversation and stay connected with developers around the globe building with Flutter.


Learn from other developers and see what the community is building with Flutter by joining community events around the world.


Follow the Flutter team in real-time with information on new features, upcoming events, and more.


Get the latest news and insights from a diverse group of users building with Flutter.

Flutter Community Slack

Connect and work through problems with a group of knowledgeable Flutter people.

Flutter YouTube

Watch these videos to learn from Google and developers as you build with Flutter.


Join the large community on Reddit with discussions around every aspect of Flutter.


Talk to other Flutter developers about everything Flutter-related, and share useful resources.

UX Research

Sign up to participate in the UX research plan and have a front row seat into the progression of Flutter.


Read and write Flutter-related posts, participate in Flutter discussions or ask questions about working with Flutter.

Contributing to Flutter

If you are interested in joining us in creating Flutter itself, jump over to our GitHub repository to get started!