Videos and online courses

These Flutter videos, produced both internally at Google and by the Flutter community, might help if you are a visual learner.

Note that many people make Flutter videos. This page shows some that we like, but there are many others.


Here are some of the series offered on the flutterdev YouTube channel.

Flutter Engage 2021

Flutter Engage 2021 was a day-long event that officially launched Flutter 2.

Check out the Flutter Engage 2021 highlights reel:

Watch recordings of the sessions on the Flutter YouTube channel:

Flutter Engage 2021 playlist

Watch recordings of the sessions offered by the Flutter community:

Flutter Engage community talks playlist

Decoding Flutter

This series focuses on tips, tricks, best practices, and general advice on getting the most out of Flutter. In the comments section for this series, you can submit suggestions future episodes.

Introducing Decoding Flutter Decoding Flutter playlist

Flutter in focus

Five-to-ten minute tutorials (more or less) on using Flutter.

Introducing Flutter in focus
Flutter in focus playlist

Flutter widget of the week

Do you have 60 seconds? Each one-minute video highlights a Flutter widget.

Introducing widget of the week
Flutter widget of the week playlist

Flutter package of the week

If you have another minute (or two), each of these videos highlights a Flutter package.

flutter_slidable package Flutter package of the week playlist

The Boring Flutter show

This series features Flutter programmers coding, unscripted and in real time. Mistakes, solutions (some of them correct), and snazzy intro music included.

Introducing the Boring Flutter show
The Boring Flutter show playlist

Conference talks

Here are a some Flutter talks given at various conferences.

Conference talks playlist

Flutter developer stories

Videos showing how various customers, such as Abbey Road Studio, Hamilton, and Alibaba, have used Flutter to create beautiful compelling apps with millions of downloads.

Flutter developer stories playlist

Online courses

Learn how to build Flutter apps with these video courses. Before signing up for a course, verify that it includes up-to-date information, such as null safe Dart code. These courses are listed alphabetically. To include your course, submit a PR: