flutter: The Flutter command-line tool


The flutter command-line tool is how developers (or IDEs on behalf of developers) interact with Flutter.

Here’s how you might use the flutter tool to create, analyze, test, and run an app:

$ flutter create my_app
$ cd my_app
$ flutter analyze
$ flutter test
$ flutter run lib/main.dart

To run pub commands using the flutter tool:

$ flutter pub get
$ flutter pub outdated
$ flutter pub upgrade

To view all commands that flutter supports:

$ flutter --help --verbose

To get the current version of the Flutter SDK, including its framework, engine, and tools:

$ flutter --version

flutter commands

The following table shows which commands you can use with the flutter tool:

Command Example of use More information
analyze flutter analyze -d <DEVICE_ID> Analyzes the project’s Dart source code.
Use instead of dartanalyzer.
assemble flutter assemble -o <DIRECTORY> Assemble and build flutter resources.
attach flutter attach -d <DEVICE_ID> Attach to a running application.
bash-completion flutter bash-completion Output command line shell completion setup scripts.
build flutter build <DIRECTORY> Flutter build commands.
channel flutter channel <CHANNEL_NAME> List or switch flutter channels.
config flutter config --build-dir=<DIRECTORY> Configure Flutter settings. To remove a setting, configure it to an empty string.
create flutter create <DIRECTORY> Creates a new project.
devices flutter devices -d <DEVICE_ID> List all connected devices.
doctor flutter doctor Show information about the installed tooling.
downgrade flutter downgrade Downgrade Flutter to the last active version for the current channel.
drive flutter drive Runs Flutter Driver tests for the current project.
emulators flutter emulators List, launch and create emulators.
format flutter format <DIRECTORY|DART_FILE> Formats Flutter source code.
Use instead of dartfmt.
gen-l10n flutter gen-l10n <DIRECTORY> Generate localizations for the Flutter project.
install flutter install -d <DEVICE_ID> Install a Flutter app on an attached device.
logs flutter logs Show log output for running Flutter apps.
precache flutter precache <ARGUMENTS> Populates the Flutter tool’s cache of binary artifacts.
pub flutter pub <PUB_COMMAND> Works with packages.
Use instead of pub.
run flutter run <DART_FILE> Runs a Flutter program.
symbolize flutter symbolize --input=<STACK_TRACK_FILE> Symbolize a stack trace from the AOT compiled flutter application.
test flutter test [<DIRECTORY|DART_FILE>] Runs tests in this package.
Use instead of pub run test.
upgrade flutter upgrade Upgrade your copy of Flutter.

For additional help on any of the commands, enter flutter help <command> or follow the links in the More information column. You can also get details on pub commands — for example, flutter help pub outdated.