Breaking changes
As described in the breaking change policy, on occasion we publish guides for migrating code across a breaking change.
The following guides are available. They are sorted by release, and listed in alphabetical order:
Not yet released to stable
Released in Flutter 2.5
- Default drag scrolling devices
- Deprecated API removed after v2.2
- Change the enterText method to move the caret to the end of the input text
- GestureRecognizer cleanup
- Introducing package:flutter_lints
- Replace AnimationSheetBuilder.display with collate
- ThemeData’s accent properties have been deprecated
- Transition of platform channel test interfaces to flutter_test package
- Using HTML slots to render platform views in the web
Reverted change in 2.2
The following breaking change was reverted in release 2.2:
Network Policy on iOS and Android
- Introduced in version: 2.0.0
Reverted in version: 2.2.0 (proposed)
Released in Flutter 2.2
Released in Flutter 2
- Added BuildContext parameter to TextEditingController.buildTextSpan
- Android ActivityControlSurface attachToActivity signature change
- Android FlutterMain.setIsRunningInRobolectricTest testing API removed
- Clip behavior
- Deprecated API removed after v1.22
- Dry layout support for RenderBox
- Eliminating nullOk Parameters
- Material Chip button semantics
- SnackBars managed by the ScaffoldMessenger
- TextSelectionTheme migration
- Use maxLengthEnforcement instead of maxLengthEnforced
- Transition of platform channel test interfaces to flutter_test package
Released in Flutter 1.22
- Android v1 embedding app and plugin creation deprecation
- Cupertino icons 1.0.0
- The new Form, FormField auto-validation API
Released in Flutter 1.20
- Actions API revision
- Adding TextInputClient.currentAutofillScope property
- New Buttons and Button Themes
- Dialogs’ Default BorderRadius
- More Strict Assertions in the Navigator and the Hero Controller Scope
- The Route Transition record and Transition delegate updates
- The RenderEditable needs to be laid out before hit testing
- Reversing the dependency between the scheduler and services layer
- Semantics Order of the Overlay Entries in Modal Routes
- showAutocorrectionPromptRect method added to TextInputClient
- TestWidgetsFlutterBinding.clock
- TextField requires MaterialLocalizations
Released in Flutter 1.17
- Adding ‘linux’ and ‘windows’ to TargetPlatform enum
- Annotations return local position relative to object
- Container color optimization
- CupertinoTabBar requires Localizations parent
- Generic type of ParentDataWidget changed to ParentData
- ImageCache and ImageProvider changes
- ImageCache large images
- MouseTracker moved to rendering
- MouseTracker no longer attaches annotations
- Nullable CupertinoTheme.brightness
- Rebuild optimization for OverlayEntries and Routes
- Scrollable AlertDialog
- TestTextInput state reset
- TextInputClient currentTextEditingValue
- The forgetChild() method must call super
- The Route and Navigator refactoring
- FloatingActionButton and ThemeData’s accent properties