Set up an editor

You can build apps with Flutter using any text editor combined with our command-line tools. However, we recommend using one of our editor plugins for an even better experience. These plugins provide you with code completion, syntax highlighting, widget editing assists, run & debug support, and more.

Follow the steps below to add an editor plugin for Android Studio, IntelliJ, VS Code, or Emacs. If you want to use a different editor, that’s OK, skip ahead to the next step: Test drive.

Install Android Studio

Android Studio offers a complete, integrated IDE experience for Flutter.

Alternatively, you can also use IntelliJ:

Install the Flutter and Dart plugins

The installation instructions vary by platform.


Use the following instructions for macos:

  1. Start Android Studio.
  2. Open plugin preferences (Preferences > Plugins as of v3.6.3.0 or later).
  3. Select the Flutter plugin and click Install.
  4. Click Yes when prompted to install the Dart plugin.
  5. Click Restart when prompted.

Linux or Windows

Use the following instructions for Linux or WIndows:

  1. Open plugin preferences (File > Settings > Plugins).
  2. Select Marketplace, select the Flutter plugin and click Install.

Install VS Code

VS Code is a lightweight editor with Flutter app execution and debug support.

Install the Flutter and Dart plugins

  1. Start VS Code.
  2. Invoke View > Command Palette….
  3. Type “install”, and select Extensions: Install Extensions.
  4. Type “flutter” in the extensions search field, select Flutter in the list, and click Install. This also installs the required Dart plugin.

Validate your setup with the Flutter Doctor

  1. Invoke View > Command Palette….
  2. Type “doctor”, and select the Flutter: Run Flutter Doctor.
  3. Review the output in the OUTPUT pane for any issues. Make sure to select Flutter from the dropdown in the different Output Options.

Install Emacs

Emacs is a lightweight editor with support for Flutter and Dart.

  • Emacs, latest stable version

Install the lsp-dart package

For information on how to install and use the package, see the lsp-dart documentation.