New CupertinoIcons has icon glyph changes


The existing cupertino_icons 0.1.3 icons are based on iOS 11 aesthetics with sharp angles and thin lines.

As Apple’s iconography updates with new OS versions, the cupertino_icons package is also refreshed.

Generally, all previous glyphs referenced from the CupertinoIcons API are automatically mapped to very similar looking icons in the new SF Symbols style (featuring rounder, thicker lines).

Some icons that have no equivalents in the new SF Symbols style are left as is.

Some icons that have less variation (such as thickness, alterative looks, and so on) are automapped and collapsed to the best matching variation in the new SF Symbols style but should be double checked to determine whether they preserve the intended visual effect.

Description of change

The new cupertino_icons 1.0.0 font is handcrafted to best preserve the intent and aesthetic of the symbology through the transition. All existing CupertinoIcons’ static IconData fields (and thus all of the font .ttf’s codepoints) continue to work and point to a reasonable new icon.

The new cupertino_icons 1.0.0 package also has ~1,000 more icons to choose from.

See the Cupertino Icons 1.0.0 gallery for a list of available icons and matching CupertinoIcons names.

Unchanged icons

No SF Symbols styled alternatives exist for the icons in the following list. The previous cupertino_icons 0.1.3 icons have been kept as is in 1.0.0.

  • bluetooth
  • bus
  • car
  • car_detailed
  • chevron_back
  • chevron_forward
  • lab_flask
  • lab_flask_solid
  • news
  • news_solid
  • train_style_one
  • train_style_two

Merged icons

Icons within the same group are now the exact same icon in 1.0.0. In other words, the distinctions between those icon variations that existed in 0.1.3 is lost and now renders the same SF Symbols styled icon that represents the theme of the group.

This affects the following icon groups:

  • share, share_up
  • battery_charging, battery_full, battery_75_percent
  • shuffle, shuffle_medium, shuffle_thick
  • delete, delete_simple
  • refresh, refresh_thin, refresh_thick
  • clear, clear_thick
  • clear_circled_solid, clear_thick_circled
  • gear, gear_alt, gear_big
  • loop, loop_thick
  • time_solid, clock_solid
  • time, clock
  • tag, tags
  • tag_solid, tags_solid

This is mainly due to some artistic liberties taken when creating the original cupertino_icons set that no longer match the variations diversity of the more formal SF Symbols icon set for some of the icons.

Migration guide

After upgrading to 1.22, if you also upgrade the cupertino_icons pubspec dependency from 0.1.3 to 1.0.0, for example, by changing:

  ... // Other dependencies
  cupertino_icons: ^0.1.0


  ... // Other dependencies
  cupertino_icons: ^1.0.0

All your CupertinoIcons should automatically update to the new aesthetic (except for the unchanged icons listed above).

At this point, you can also explore CupertinoIcons or the Cupertino Icons 1.0.0 gallery for new icons to use in your application.

You’re encouraged to verify your application after migrating to ensure that the automatically mapped new icons are suitable for your desired aesthetics.


Landed in: 1.22.0-10.0.pre.65
In stable release: 1.22
