Flutter Changelog 0.0.21 - 1.0.0

This page is a dump of the old Changelog page from the Flutter wiki up until Flutter release notes were published in flutter.dev.

Changes through and including 1.0.0

Changes since v0.10.2

  • flutter/engine#6883 - FlutterViewController will no longer load your app’s splash screen by default. The implementation of that has been moved to a new method loadDefaultSplashScreenView.
  • #23755 Removed direct dependency of flutter_test on package:test. Flutter now requires test version 1.5.1 and mockito version 4.0.0.

    Breaking change:

    This requires adding an explicit dependency to your pubspec.yaml:

      test: ^1.5.1
  • #24024 and flutter/engine#6760 Upgraded harfbuzz to 2.1.0, Significantly improved text layout, and zero-width-joiner (zwj) support for better emojis on iOS.
  • #23417 provide null when locale is unavailable or invalid instead of _.
  • #23583 Improved localization algorithm with scriptCodes and full preferred locales list support, breaking changes to callbacks when locales are changed (pass list instead of single locale).


  • #23320 Adds back swipe gesture support for Cupertino navigation bars’ cross-page transitions.
  • #23320 Adds support for Hero transitions across multiple Navigators.

Changes in v0.10.2 (since v0.9.4) - beta 10


  • #23194 Adds CupertinoTextField, an iOS styled text entry field.
  • #23221 Adds RTL support for Cupertino navigation bars’ cross-page transitions.


  • #22977 replaces most of Null by void. See the mail proposing this change.
  • #22985 Implement correct orthographic projection
  • #23104 Update wrapping message
  • #22924 Support for disabling interactive TextField caret and selection
  • #22870 Use new mixin syntax for super-mixins
  • #22022 allow command line option “–project-name” in flutter create
  • #23126 Dispatch a Flutter.Navigation event each time navigation occurs.
  • #23183 Fix bug where gradle build rule would rerun on switching from
  • #22394 Fix out of range spring simulation in ClampingScrollSimulation
  • #23174 enable lint prefer_void_to_null
  • #23184 TextTheme.apply() should not assume non-null TextStyle fields
  • #23168 Added Mongolian (mn) translations
  • #23167 Fix disabled formfield validation
  • #23015 Finalize editing when hitting the enter key on a single line TextField
  • #23021 Make it easier to use CocoaPods to Add2App for iOS
  • #22825 fix Curves.bounceInOut math
  • #22977 Prefer void to null
  • #22822 Adds callback for Long Press Up
  • #18770 Add disabledHint to DropdownButton
  • #21657 Make AndroidView take gesture recognizer factories.
  • #22449 Add support for text shadows
  • flutter/engine#6644 Add BoxHeightStyle and BoxWidthStyle as arguments to Paragraph.getBoxesForRange() to obtain various styles of enclosing boxes.
  • Skia update that changes the low level implementation of blurs and anti aliasing, which may break golden tests.



  • #21251 adds CupertinoDatePicker, an iOS-style picker control that supports a date mode and a date + time mode.

Changes in v0.9.4 (since v0.8.2 ) - beta 9


  • #21715, The default MaterialPageRoute transition is now defined by the Theme. Added (optional) support for Android P style page transitions. The MaterialPageRoute support for “hosting” another route to reuse its buildTransitions() method was removed because PageTransitionsBuilders, including CupertinoPageTransitionBuilder, are standalone objects.


  • #22108 changed the output of flutter doctor slightly, which may affect automated scripts that depended on the exact output.


  • #21540 added a transform() method to Animatable. It is implemented by Tween (the main subclass of Animatable) but classes that subclass Animatable directly will need to implement it. Typically the existing evaluate() method can be changed to implement transform() instead, using the value given by the argument to transform() rather than the current value of the animation provided to evaluate(). evaluate() now has a default implementation that defers to transform().

Changes in v0.8.2 (since v0.7.3) - beta 8


  • #20322 performs parallax transitions between CupertinoNavigationBars and CupertinoSliverNavigationBars when navigating between pages.

Changes in v0.7.3 (since v0.6.0) - beta 7


  • #20966 adds CupertinoTimerPicker.


  • #20929 fixes bug where CupertinoPageScaffold wasn’t insetting its content when the keyboard is shown.


  • #19637 CupertinoNavigationBar and CupertinoSliverNavigationBar now auto-populate their title and back button labels based on their CupertinoPageRoute.title.

Changes in v0.6.0 (since v0.5.1) - beta 6


  • Dart SDK updated to a Dart 2 build (2.1.0-dev.0.0). Package and plugin authors should ensure their pubspec.yaml files include a Dart SDK constraint with an upper bound of <3.0.0. See the Getting ready for Dart 2 post for details.
  • #19025 renamed CupertinoRefreshControl to CupertinoSliverRefreshControl for consistency.
  • #19317 Add cursorWidth and cursorRadius to TextField (Material) cursor.
  • #20116 reduced release binary sizes by ~2MB
  • #20267 adds `CupertinoSegmentedControl’.
  • #19232 adds CupertinoActionSheet for iOS-style bottom pop-up sheets.
  • #20101 improves CupertinoScrollbar visual fidelity during overscrolls.
  • #19789 adds support for infinite scrolling and looped scrolling for CupertinoPicker.
  • #18381 improves visual fidelity of CupertinoAlertDialog.


  • #19284 adds multi-column CupertinoPicker support for off-axis cylindrical projection.


  • #18469 added a CupertinoApp for creating iOS styled apps.


  • #18614 added isInstanceOf as a function exported from Flutter, because package:matcher has deprecated its implementation of isInstanceOf.
  • flutter/engine#5517 enabled the --sync-async Dart flag.


  • #18488 made the --debug-port argument to flutter trace required, because the previous behaviour was unreliable and caused flaky tests.


  • #18096 changed the rendering of the character counter in text fields to more closely match the Material design specifications.

Changes in v0.5.1 (since v0.3.2) - beta 5


  • #17661 changed the layout and size of ListTile to better conform to the latest Material design specs.

  • #17620 slightly reduces the default dimensions of Checkbox, Radio, and Switch to better conform to the latest Material design specs.

  • #17637 updates Checkbox, Radio, and Switch to use the ThemeData toggleableActiveColor. If you are using a light theme and are not specifying an accentColor in your ThemeData, these controls will now use a higher contrast shade from the primary swatch.

  • #17586 added a new background property to TextStyle. Subclasses must ensure that this property is handled in constructors and copyWith.

Changes in v0.4.4 (since v0.3.2) - beta 4


  • #17021 added implicit a11y scrolling for iOS. For this, viewports define a cache extend before the leading as well as after the trailing edge and slivers are expected to provide semantics information if they fall into the cache extent.

    Breaking change

    With this change, children of a viewport that are currently not visible in the viewport are now considered off-stage. To find them in a test, specify skipOffstage: false on the Finder.


  • #17094 introduced the ability to do golden image testing in widget tests. Within a widget test, you can now use the following matcher to ensure that your widget’s rasterized image matches a golden file (e.g. foo.png):
  await expectLater(find.byType(MyWidget), matchesGoldenFile('foo.png'));

### Breaking change

One of the consequences of this change is that all tests run through flutter test now explicitly depend on package:flutter_test. Users of flutter test will need to update their pubspec.yaml file to include the following if it does not already exist:

      sdk: flutter

If your pubspec.yaml does not contain the requisite dependency, and you run flutter test, you will see errors of the following form:

  compiler message: Error: Could not resolve the package 'flutter_test' in 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'.


  • flutter/engine#5060 introduced the ability to encode a dart:ui Image into a PNG via Image.toByteData(). Callers wishing to get encoded bytes may pass the format argument, like so:
  image.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png);

Changes in v0.3.2 (since v0.3.1) - beta 3

Changes in v0.3.1 (since v0.2.8) - beta 2 update

We are aware of a potential problem with certificate validation in the HttpClient implementation. To follow our investigation, see Dart issue 32936.


  • flutter/engine#4932 introduced a new shell embedding API with numerous new features. In particular, a single process can now host multiple Flutter shells.

  • flutter/engine#4762 and flutter/engine#5008 introduced Image.toByteData(), which is used to get the raw RGBA bytes of an Image instance in dart:ui.

  • #16721 scroll motion starts on iOS has been fine tuned to avoid a jump when the scroll first starts moving and to more closely mirror native behavior.


  • #16039 and #16447 substantially revised the Chip implementation, added new chip types: InputChip, ChoiceChip, FilterChip, ActionChip, and updated the appearance of chips.


  • #16187 updated the Card widget’s shape and elevation.

Dart changes since Flutter v0.2.8

  • dart:async: Removed the deprecated defaultValue parameter on Stream.firstWhere and Stream.lastWhere.
  • dart:core: Added tryParse static method to int, double, num, BigInt, Uri and DateTime, and deprecated onError parameter on int.parse, double.parse, and num.parse.
  • The new keyword can now always be omitted. The const keyword is required to create a constant expression, although within the expression, further const keywords can also be omitted.

Changes in v0.2.8 (since v0.2.3) - beta 2


  • #16040 adds an API to let CupertinoTabScaffold’s current tab be programmatically changed via its CupertinoTabBar’s currentIndex.


  • #15416 removed package:http from Flutter and replaced all usages with the HttpClient from dart:io. If you use package:http you must add it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml to continue using it.

    createHttpClient() was also removed after being marked deprecated. To change how the framework creates http clients, you can use HttpOverrides from dart:io to provide your own createHttpClient() callback globally or per zone.

    More details are available in the announcement.

  • #15871 changed the default configuration of the AndroidManifest.xml created by flutter create. “screenLayout” and “density” are now included by default in the configChanges attribute, preventing flutter apps from restarting when these change.

  • #15324 adds a new CupertinoRefreshControl widget styled after the iOS pull-to-refresh pattern. Demo available in the Flutter Gallery.


  • #15565 turned Dart 2 mode on by default. To run in Dart 1 mode, you can still use --no-preview-dart-2.

    More details are available in the announcement.

  • #15537 removed SemanticsSortOrder. From now on traversal sorting is done among sibling nodes only.

    More details available in the announcement.

  • #15484 changed the meaning of the TextFormField initialValue constructor parameter.

    The TextFormField initialValue parameter no longer unconditionally initializes the text property of its TextEditingController. If you create a TextFormField and provide a controller, the initialValue must be null, which is now the default. If you’re providing a controller you can specify it’s initial text value with the TextEditingController text property.


new TextFormField(
  initialValue: 'Hello World',
  controller: _myTextEditingController,


new TextFormField(
  controller: _myTextEditingController ..text = 'Hello World',
// Or more typically:
_myTextEditingController = new TextEditingController(
  text: 'Hello World',
new TextFormField(
  controller: _myTextEditingController,
  • #15303 updated the showDialog function to take a builder and deprecated the widget parameter.


showDialog(context: context, child: new Text('hello'))


showDialog(context: context, builder: (BuildContext context) => new Text('hello'))
  • #15265 updated ThemeData to use the primary color of a MaterialColor instead of unconditionally using the 500 shade for light themes. The color values remain unchanged.


expect(widget.color, Colors.blue.shade500) // primary color


expect(widget.color, Colors.blue) // primary color
  • #15548 adds debugging flags debugDisableClipLayers, debugDisablePhysicalShapeLayers and debugDisableOpacityLayers to help with performance diagnosis of rasterizing speed.

Changes in v0.2.3 (since v0.1.5) - beta 1 update


  • flutter/engine#4742 updated assets to be read directly out of the APK on Android. As a result, leading slashes are no longer supported in image asset paths:


new Image.asset('/foo/bar.png')


new Image.asset('foo/bar.png')


  • #14901 A Slider visual update changed the colors, opacities, and the value indicator shape and behavior. It also removed the “thumbOpenAtMin” flag from the Slider class, which is no longer needed, and can be emulated by the custom thumb shape support.

Changes in v0.1.5 (since v0.1.4) - beta 1.1


  • #14714 fixed the groovy script for the Flutter Gallery, thus fixing #14912.

Changes in v0.1.4 (since v0.0.20) - beta 1


  • #14702 removed the engineDartVersion getter from the flutter tool’s Version class.


  • flutter/engine#4607 and #14601 removed default constructors from the following dart:ui classes:

    • Codec
    • FrameInfo
    • Gradient
    • Image
    • Paragraph
    • Picture
    • Scene
    • SemanticsUpdate
    • Shader

    The default constructors were removed to prevent the creation of uninitialized instances of these classes (and in certain cases to prevent extending these classes). These classes should be instantiated only by the Flutter engine or through named constructors (if provided).


  • #14410 contained a breaking API change to ButtonTheme:

    • The constructors ButtonTheme() and ButtonTheme.bar() are no longer const constructible
    • ButtonTheme.textTheme is now ButtonTheme.data.textTheme
    • ButtonTheme.minWidth is now ButtonTheme.data.minWidth
    • ButtonTheme.height is now ButtonTheme.data.height
    • ButtonTheme.padding is now ButtonTheme.data.padding
  • #14410 changed the hierarchy of FlatButton and RaisedButton - they both inherit from RawMaterialButton now rather than from MaterialButton.

  • #14410 changed RaisedButton to no longer cast a shadow when disabled.


  • #14343 revised how copy, cut, and paste works for EditableText: The abstract class TextSelectionControls has new methods canCopy, canCut, etc. to determine if those actions are available. The TextSelectionDelegate interface now requires an additional method bringIntoView(TextPosition position) to scroll a TextPosition into the visible part of a TextField. Furthermore, that interface is no longer implemented by TextSelectionOverlay. In its place EditableTextState should be used, which implements that interface. See also: flutter-dev/IHPndyUDy0M

Sliver APIs

  • #14449 replaces the SliverGridLayout.estimateMaxScrollOffset method by the SliverGridLayout.computeMaxScrollOffset method. This new method must report an accurate value, not just an estimate. This was necessary to fix a bug where a finite SliverGrid could not handle being scrolled off the top of the screen (because we had no way to determine how much content it had).

    For similar reasons, the RenderSliverBoxChildManager interface has a new getter, childCount, which must return a non-null value if createChild can return null. In practice, it is unusual to implement this interface, so this should have no effect. It is more common to implement the widgets-layer equivalent, SliverChildDelegate. This interface already had an estimatedChildCount getter. The getter continues to exist, though its semantics have been adjusted a little to require that the returned value be accurate if the build method on the delegate ever returns null.


  • #13734, #14055, and #14177 substantially revised the InputDecorator et al. widgets. The layout of the input decorator’s parts has changed a little, which means that the internal layout of text fields has changed as well. Tests that depend on the internal geometry of text fields will need to be updated.

    In addition, hideDivider: true must be replaced by the new border: InputBorder.none. This is part of our making it easier to customize how inputs are rendered; you can now also provide a custom InputBorder subclass if you have particularly novel desires for your input decoration.

  • #4528 and #14011 deprecated support for big integers in the standard platform channel message/method codecs, to be made unavailable following a four week grace period. This change is a consequence of the transition to Dart 2.0 where the int type is no longer unlimited size.

  • #4487 replaces all uses of the RequestPermissionResult callback concept in io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry with RequestPermissionsResult, adding a missing s to align with the corresponding Android SDK concept.

    The old API has been deprecated and will be made unavailable in a later release. There will be a grace period of at least four weeks between the release that introduces the deprecation and the release that makes the old API unavailable.